Lund University and ESS Welcome You to the Swedish Neutron Week 2024 - |
We are pleased to announce that the Swedish Neutron Week 2024 will be organized in Lund, with Lund University and ESS as local organizers. The conference will be held at Stadshallen 29th - 31st May 2024. The event is jointly arranged by SNSS, SwedNess, ESS and Lund University, and is open to everyone who is, or wish to be, part of the Swedish neutron scattering community. Participation in the Neutron Week is an excellent opportunity to get a cross-sectional view of current Swedish activities in the field. The purpose of the Neutron Week is to bring together Swedish neutron users, facilities, industry, and funding agencies, to offer an annual event facilitating networking, cooperation and joint actions between the participants. A particular focus of this year's Swedish Neutron Week are opportunities for first science at ESS. Given that the commissioning of several instruments is now in the near future, we will in particular aim for close interaction between ESS scientists and the Swedish neutron community. Abstract submission for talks and posters is closed. The registration deadline (regular and late) has passed.